At long last, I finally put an end to my PLDT landline woes thanks to Globe's new Duo "landline" service. What Globe has done is quite simple: they assign Duo subscribers with a new number which for all intents and purposes functions 100% like a regular landline. So now a Duo subscriber's mobile phone has two numbers assigned to it: their regular mobile number, which doesn't change, and a brand new one which a subscriber could use, one-to-sawa to call regular landlines within Metro Manila. No limits, no per call crap, just knock yourself out and call as much as you want.
For postpaid users, a flat rate of P399 for 30 days is charged on top of existing subscription charges. Prepaid users have a choice between P25 per day, P450 for 30 days, P125 for 5 days or P350for 14 days, charged to one's load. The so called lock-in period for the service also seems reasonable enough. Instead of the usual year or two, subscribers only have 90 days (roughly 3 months) lock-in for the service. Pre-termination fee is P1,200 for prepaid subscribers.
The subscription plan, which currently is also offered to Cebu residents, also allows unlimited access to Cebu-based landline numbers. Unfortunately, subscribers in the Metro and Cebu can't do any crossover calling with each other. The service is limited to the subscribers' respective geographical areas. All calls made to landline numbers outside their respective coverage areas, the mobile account kicks in and one is charged the usual rates.
I've had my Duo subscription for a couple of weeks now and so far I'm quite satisfied with the service. All of the calls I've made have gotten through and likewise, most of the folks who in turn call my number experienced no connection difficulty or problems. So far so good. Voice clarity was also surprisingly good, maybe not superior, but not any worse from a regular mobile phone call's audio quality.
A happy ending? I sincerely hope so. However... oh boy here it comes... In my opinion this could all change once Duo starts eating up on the subscriber base (read: profits) of major telcos like PLDT. Full disclosure: I've never been a fan of the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company. For as long as I could remember their service has been nothing but craptastic to the max. I won't give a blow-by-blow of how rotten their service was (past tense yeah!) suffice to say their service sucks big time. Good riddance to bad garbage.
In my opinion we can probably expect a directly proportional increase in Duo's "connectivity problems" with PLDT as Duo's subscriber base also increases.
So why not fight fair and simply come out with a similar plan. Copy-and-paste and call it something else, "PLDT Twosome" or something like that. Or better yet PLDT could let their subsidiary Smart handle it. Smart would just love to go head-to-head against Globe and take them on at their own game. In a stand up fight they probably would win too.
Here's the thing, I don't think they can unleash a Smart copy of Duo. Why? Because it would directly compete with PLDT's own mobile offerings. Namely PLDT's Landline Plus and Call All. So, what's wrong with these PLDT offerings? Nothing, unless you find it ok to lug around those truly laughable handsets and look like a complete dork. Then there's the fact that Landline plus also means plus more money to spend: P600 and still unlimited. Call All on the other hand although offering unlimited calls, has a lock-in period of two years. Then there's the Call All "Phone". Be prepared to be questioned regarding the wisdom of bringing the TV remote out of the house.
So, is Duo the best thing since sliced bread? Not exactly, like all things its bound to have its drawbacks. Here are a few I can think of. If you want to make it your landline replacement, then you'll need to leave it at home. But then again you could buy a new prepaid Duo SIM. So now for rougly the same amount as a regular PLDT line you would now have two landline phones armed with unlimited calling each. Then there's the question of battery-life and usage. The more you use, the more you're likely to end up with a dead phone by the end of the day. Common sense solution: a back-up battery. How about this one: more mobile phone use = more likelihood of cancer, restless leg syndrome, mild Hulkism, migrating genitals and braintooth, or whatever else. You know what? If you think this is a problem, then you shouldn't be owning a mobile phone in the first place!
I don't know about you folks but I'm sold. Adios PLDT landline, hello Globe Duo!