Selling for P280 (March 2009 price), its about the size of a disposable cigarette lighter. Features 3 green LEDs which light up in relation to the WiFi signal strength. One green LED for a weak signal while 3 indicates a strong one. A single red LED will light up if there is no signal at all.
This thing is perfect for laptop and netbook owners. Use this to check an area for a signal. Finding one, you can then proceed to bring out your portable PC. This gadget could save you a whole lot of trouble. Starting up your portable PC only to find that there is no signal to be had can be quite frustrating!
Disadvantages: it won't indicate if the WiFi signal is password protected or not. You'll have to find that out the old fashioned way by trying to log on the network. And since this only detects WiFi signals, it won't tell you anything about internet availability. For all you know the signal it could be receiving are from a WiFi router used to merely connect devices locally sans internet. A rare possibility to be sure but a possibility nonetheless.
Still, it can be quite a time saver. Imagine all the effort you could have saved when you brought out your portable PC in the hopes of surfing the net only to find... nothing.
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